Es Recó de s'Alga

Es Recó de s'Alga is situated at one kilometre from Santa Eulària des Riu, located between puntes de s'Aguait and des Nedador, as well as next to the village of Siesta.

This quiet, comfortable, safe and small sandy area is semicircular. The ground is covered by quite fine-grained golden sand. The left side is used as a jetty and solarium, whereas the right one protects this coastal track from the swell and as access to the sea for those visitors who don't like the sand.

This beach has an orientation toward northeast. It is open to the wind from the south-southeast, from gentle to moderate and it has a gentle slope (at 40 metres from the coast there is a depth of only one and a half metres). The sand and some area of underwater vegetation characterize the marine ground of es Recó de s'Alga.

From this sandy area you can walk on a trail along the coast in order to see the surroundings of this place, like Punta Blanca (the nearest one), Cala Blanca, Punta Roja, Cala Llonga and Salt d'en Serrà (the longest distance).

The accessibility by car is easy following the signs. The private car can be left on a free parking area in the surroundings. You can also reach this beach with the public transport. The nearest bus stop is located at 800 metres.

These characteristics explain that the beach is very crowded by the residents of the village and of the nearby touristy buildings.