Es Caló de s'Illa

Es Caló de s'Illa is situated at seven kilometres from Sant Joan de Labritja, located between es Pas and Cova de s'Orenga, as well as below Puig de Guixar (189 metres high). This u-shaped small, isolated and virgin sea inlet belongs to the coastal area of the northern Eivissa, known as es Amunts, which includes the steepest area and the highest mounts of the Pitiüses. These mountains are distributed in an irregular way along this territory and the result are the large valleys like Pla de Corona and Pla d'Albarca, which concentrate the most popular agricultural land of Eivissa.

This coastal corner is surrounded by some quite high cliffs with pine woods on the top. From the coastline you can see different rocks, like s'Escull and sa Paella, as well as the small island Illa d'en Calder. The people who like coast and underwater fishing or diving on the surface or with oxygen love this area. It is not very crowded.

The accessibility by car is easy following the signs and the deviations. The last part has to be done on a sandy track in bad conditions which is not easy to find. This is the reason why you are recommended to park your private car at about ten minutes from the beach. Then you have to follow the arrow painted on the floor of this trail with blue spray.