Es Cubells

Cala d'Hort (“vegetable garden”) is situated at 11 kilometres from Sant Josep de sa Talaia, located between Cala Truja and Cap Blanc. From its coast you can see the emerging Escull (“reef”) of Cala d'Hort and the steep, beautiful and enigmatic small islands of es Vedrà (with a maximum height of 382 metres), es Vedranell (with a maximum height of 128 metres) and sa Galera.

This v-shaped sea inlet is characterized by its big size, it is an open coastline, irregular, abrupt and steep, surrounded by high cliffs populated by pine trees and scrubland, and the beach is covered by quite fine-grained white sand. The winds are gentle, as well as the slope (at 35 metres from the coast there is a depth of one and a half metres), as well as crystal clear water on a sandy ground which invite you to dive.

The marine and underwater conditions for anchoring boats are good in this cove which is sheltered by the vertical cliffs. This fact explains that it is a good place to be protected from the air currents from the east. The bay is exposed to the winds from the southwest-west-northwest and east.

The accessibility by car is easy following the signs and the deviations. The last part has to be done on a very steep road with a slope of 15 percent. The private car can be left on a free parking area in the surroundings.

These characteristics explain that the beach is not too crowded by local visitors and tourists.