Cala Tarida

Cala Tarida is situated at six kilometres from Sant Josep de sa Talaia, located between Cala Corral and Molí, as well as next to the villages of Cala Tarida and Bella Tarida. This beautiful u-shaped sea inlet is characterized by the huge size, with a beach of fine-grained white sand, with medium-high cliffs on the sides, a sandy ground except in the left area where there are some rocks, the slope is very gentle (at 40 metres from the coast there is a depth of only 1,5 metres), as well as by two small islands and a sandy stretch between them and the beach, which is used as a jetty by the passenger launches that operate in this coastal area.

This natural bay has different beaches in its interior. The marine and underwater conditions for anchoring boats are excellent. It is exposed to the wind from the southwest-west-northwest. Navigators are recommended to anchor at about 200 metres from the coast, on a sandy ground, where the depth ranges from four to eight metres. The characteristics invite you to dive on the surface or with oxygen.

The accessibility by car is easy following the signs and the deviations. The private car can be left on a free parking area in the surroundings. You can also reach this beach with the public transport. The nearest bus stop is located at half a hectometre.

These characteristics explain that the beach is not too crowded by tourists.