Es Canar

Es Canar is situated at 4,5 kilometres from Santa Eulària des Riu, located between Club Punta Arabí, where on Wednesdays there is the best hippie market of Eivissa, and Esculls des Canar, as well as nearby the village of es Canar and La Joya. From its coast you can see Esculls d'en Racó and the small islands sa Galera and Illa des Canar.

This frequented u-shaped sea inlet is quit big, the beach has fine-grained white sand and there is a promenade with plants along the coastline of this beach.

This sandy area is developed, there are residential and tourist buildings, the water is transparent and it is open to the wind from the east which blows normally from the sea and is not too strong. These conditions explain that es Canar is excellent if you want to do sailing sports.

The biggest part of its ground is sandy, although there are also some areas with seaweed and it has a quite gentle slope (at 20 metres from the coast there is a depth of more than two metres). Next to this bay you can find the port facilities (fishing and marina).

The accessibility by car is easy following the signs. The private car can be left on a free parking area in the surroundings. You can also reach this beach with the public transport or by bicycle. The nearest bus stop is located at one hectometre. There is a sea line between es Canar and Santa Eulària des Riu, Eivissa and Cala Llonga.