Es Xarco

Es Xarcu or es Xarco (“the puddle”) is situated at ten kilometres from Sant Josep de sa Talaia, located between Puntas de Porroig and des Jondal, which close the big u-shaped bay of Porroig, as well as below the village of Punta de Porroig and Puig des Jondal (160 metres high). Other particularities of this area are water and the ground, it is an excellent place for all types of diving.

The name is given by the water reservoir which is the mouth of a torrent when it rains. This fact explains that there is a reed bed with pine trees and bushes in the surroundings.
This quiet beach is not very big, the surface is covered by golden sand, the slope is gentle, and there are lots of beached and anchored boats, on a sandy ground, the atmosphere is relaxed, and in the surroundings there are some gentle headlands and a thick pine wood.

From this natural setting you can reach the adjacent beach of es Jondal or the Punic settlement, located between es Bol Nou and sa Caleta.

The accessibility by car is easy following the signs and the deviations. The last two kilometres have to be done on a track which is quite sinuous and steep. The private car can be left on a free parking area.

These characteristics explain that the beach is not very crowded by local visitors and tourists.