Cala Codolar

Cala Codolar is situated at seven kilometres from Sant Josep de sa Talaia, located between sa Figuera Borda and Cala Corral, as well as in the surroundings of the village of Club Delfín, and the marina of Coralmar.

This v-shaped sea inlet is characterized by a quite small size, with abrupt cliffs on the sides (on the right side there is the village and on the left side there is a thick pine wood which reaches the coastline), the beach is covered by sand, the slope is gentle (at 40 metres from the coast there is a depth of one and a half metres), the wind blows gently in the summer, from the sea or from the side, and there are some escars (typical dry docks).

The marine and underwater conditions for anchoring boats are excellent in this bay (two hectometres large in the entrance and two and a half long until you reach the actual beach). It is exposed to the wind from the southwest-west-northwest, you can anchor next to the beach on a sandy ground with seaweed where the depth ranges from three to ten metres.
The accessibility by car is easy following the signs and the deviations. The private car can be left on a free parking area in the surroundings. You can also reach this beach with the public transport. The nearest bus stop is located at half a hectometre.

These characteristics explain that the beach is not very crowded by tourists.